Monday, March 27, 2006


Just Checking In

So it seems that every post here begins with a note like, "It's been months since I posted here..." The truth is that I don't have much time to blog, and when I do, I'm focusing on two Catholic blogs. Today, though, a friend referred me to her blog and it reminded me that this one was just sitting here, idle, and I thought that surely I must have a little something to say.

I'm discovering that I was wrong.

Since January I've been working full time in a writing job. After nearly ten years of freelancing, I'm showing up to a job every morning and staying all day. I thought it would be a tough adjustment, and in practical terms it is, especially with travel and child care, but the days go fast. The atmosphere in my new office is....well, let's just say that several of my friends have taken to referring to my office as "The Gulch."

A writer friend (the very one who triggered my visit here today, actually) once told me that when she was writing full time for work, she never wanted to write outside of work. For me, it's been just the opposite. The more I write, the more I want to write. And so I'm writing all day and then writing on the train, writing after my kid is in bed at night if I can find the time.

Back to work now, but I'll try to drop by more often.

Oh. Wait. This is MY blog, isn't it?